Ski Club
in Baqueira

Ski club for all ages and levels in Baqueira Beret

Club esquí MOGA | Deportes J. MOGA

MOGA ski

Starting from an initiative of several parents and coaches, and with the clear intention of training in winter sports, from Club Esquí Moga we organize a wide variety of courses and activities that range from basic training to improvement and competition. In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, participants are led by qualified coaches with years of experience and great pedagogical skills to adapt to different ages and levels. At Deportes J.Moga, our groups are small to achieve a more personalized and effective learning process.

Initiation group
(4 to 6 years)

Improvement group
(from 4 years old)

Grupo Freeride
(mayores de 12 años) ¡NOVEDAD 2024!


Choose between full season (52 days) or mini season (26 days). For the mini season, you can choose any 26 days marked on the calendar.

Find out about other services: small groups, equipment*, pick-up and drop-off service for children at altitudes of 1,500 and ruda, other specific activities, etc.

To resolve any queries regarding dates, products or course costs, please contact us.

E-Mail: club@deportesjmoga
Tlf. +34 626 294 212

* Basic kit including jacket and trousers. €50 deposit per suit. This will be returned upon return of the suit at the end of the season.

Club Esquí Moga has planned this official calendar for the next season.

In the event that the Baqueira Beret ski resort remains closed due to lack of snow, Club Esquí Moga would organize alternative activities, focused on physical training and fun.

Esquís gama alta en el alquiler de esquí Deportes J. Moga en Baqueira

Rental and Repair of Equipment

Classes and Services for everyone

Moga Collectives:
Group Ski Lessons for Children




Moga Kids

Equipment Rental

Club Moga



Esquís gama alta en el alquiler de esquí Deportes J. Moga en Baqueira


Si reservas clases con nosotros

disfruta de un 20% de descuento

en el alquiler de material.


Si reservas clases con nosotros disfruta de un 20% de descuento en el alquiler de material.

Esquís gama alta en el alquiler de esquí Deportes J. Moga en Baqueira


Si reservas clases con nosotros disfruta de un 20% de descuento en el alquiler de material.